MFF mini flange facers specifications

- evo in flens
- mff flensvlakkers
- minifacer in flens
- close up beitel minifacer
- mff flensvlakkers var1
- mff flensvlakkers var2
- mini facer koffer
- minifacer layout
Damaged flange facings can be repeared with the manual operated MFF Mini Flange Facers.
By turning the machine by hand, the tool moves back and forward.
The quality of the finish depends on the choice of the spindle.
The machining capacity goes from 13,5 till 560 mm.
By means of exchangable clamp sets it is possible to clamp the range of the machine
Extensive information
For more information about our products, please contact us . We offer a wide overview of brochures and photo material for orientation.
We also develop customized 'specials', in line with your wishes and requirements.
We also develop customized 'specials', in line with your wishes and requirements.